Creation and evolution

Science says that the world came into existence through evolution.
It is necessary to describe what science is in order to be able to judge whether this is true.

What is science?

What a university says about science:

The goal of science is: To search for general truth.
Expressed differently: To search for what is true.
The means of doing this are:

  • Formulating evidence.
  • Setting up methods of synchronising different lines of thought.

Science tries to advance further than general knowledge.

There is an evolution of the truth in science.
In the past it was the godhead or another authority that determined what was true and what was not true.

For example Aristotle: He claimed that women have fewer teeth than men. By means of a simple contra experiment it can be demonstrated that women and men both have the same number of teeth.

Science will not simply accept all the dogmas, therefore, but will take a critical stance.
Science begins from that moment.

Then arises the question of absolute truth.

Science wants to get closer to the ‘truth’ using methods.
This leads to a law, i.e. to knowledge that has a basis.

To this point: how a university describes how science proceeds.

Examples from history.

A few examples from history that confirm the above are to be found here.

It can be concluded from these examples that scientific truth can come about in two ways:

  • Through observation and experiments.
  • Through assumptions or theories.
    These are only accepted, however, after they have been proved scientifically.
    (Einstein had thus to wait 14 years for recognition of his theory of relativity!)

The question is:  Does the theory of evolution satisfy these criteria?

Darwin and the theory of evolution.

The book Darwin wrote about the origin of the species was published in 1859.
Since then science generally accepts that the world came into existence through evolution, over a period of billions of years.
In his theory Darwin claims that all life on earth began with the spontaneous coming into existence of the first simple organisms. From these more complex forms of life evolved, step by step, by coincidental mutations.
This was accompanied by his idea that new forms of life would be better adapted to the environment in which they lived, as a result of which they have a better chance of survival, and the previous forms of life die out.
In this way, in the course of the centuries, the diversity in the world as we know it came about.

But does Darwin also give evidence of these developments in his book??

Anyone reading his book for the first time will notice that Darwin often speaks about what he ‘believes’, what he ‘assumes’, or what he ‘takes as read’, without really presenting any evidence however.
He demonstrates in his book that many different races of dogs, cats, horses and all kinds of animals can be bred.
He did not prove in his book how a higher form of life could evolve from a lower form of life however.
Furthermore, if the previous forms of life are to die out, why are they still in existence today??

Darwin himself already saw difficulties with regard to his theory.
He refers to a number of these in the chapter ‘On the incompleteness of the geological archive’.
He points out i.a. the fact that no fossils with intermediate forms of life are to be found. Nonetheless, thousands of intermediate forms must be found.

For example, he writes in this chapter: “But assuredly, if this theory be true, such have lived upon this earth”.
So Darwin himself does not appear to be convinced that his theory is true.

A little further on: “To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer”.
Then Darwin indicates how eminent geologists dispute one another’s conclusions, … but: “We should not forget that only a small portion of the world is known with accuracy”.

Therefore: “The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained. To show that it may hereafter receive some explanation, I will give the following hypothesis”.

Darwin presented no evidence for his claims therefore, and he himself was not 100% convinced of the truth thereof.

Question: Has his theory been confirmed nevertheless, in the course of the past 150 years?

Scientists do their utmost to find proofs, and keep coming back with theories which are then later refuted.
The missing fossil links have not been found, in spite of the fact that millions of fossils have been found, throughout the whole world, during the course of the past 150 years.

It is general knowledge that there are still scientists today – and have been, in the course of history, – who adapt the results of their research to the theory of evolution, to score somehow in the world of science.
It is also general knowledge that scientists lose their subsidies and, often, their job as well, if they dare to declare their doubt about the accuracy of the theory of evolution in their writings.


Science has been unable to prove the theory of evolution until now.
The theory of evolution does not satisfy the conditions necessary to be “scientific”, as sketched above by a university.

The fact alone, that Pasteur has demonstrated that life does not come into existence spontaneously from dead matter should be sufficient for science to reject the theory of evolution.
Then why does the scientific world hold on to the theory of evolution, even though it has not been proved?

Darwin gave science a model of the origin of the world in which there is no place for God. Scientists like doing science without having to give account to the Creator of life.


Did the world come into existence through creation?
The fact that the theory of evolution has not been proved does not automatically mean that the world came into existence through creation.

Nevertheless, in recent years, more and more scientists are admitting that their scientific findings cannot be brought into agreement with the world’s having come into existence through evolution. They do not know how creation did take place, but the theory of evolution does not offer them a satisfactory explanation for the results of their scientific research.
Many of them are convinced that an extraordinary intelligence must lie at the basis of the origin of the world, even though they are unable to clarify what they mean.

Scientists who believe that God is the Intelligent Creator of the world are seeing repeated confirmation of this in their scientific research.
They cannot prove that the world was created by God, but the results of their research appear repeatedly to confirm that to be the case.

More about the creation of the world is to be found in the study ‘The origin of the world’.


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